Monday 29 August 2016

Monday July 4, 2016 - The One where I get crushed by a mattress

This has been a pretty good week here in Danville. It's been fairly
uneventful. I'll admit we don't have much time for emailing today. We
are having a district activity and we have a dinner appointment at
4:30 so we are pretty packed. So excuse me if it's short.

This week I went on exchange with Elder Stephens. We had a pretty good
time together though it was pretty awful as far as teaching. We didn't
even teach anyone. So it goes.

We do have a kinda funny story from Wednesday morning. Elder Ashby and
I were out doing the work. We were about to walk up to and talk to
this one lady when the phone rang. I had it in my pocket so was
ignoring it. Though as we started to talk she was getting worked up
and saying she wasn't interested so I turned around answered the
phone, and left Elder Ashby in the dust to deal with it. I felt bad.
But only a little bit. The call was from an Elder in another zone
asking me to be a part of the musical number at zone conference the
next day.

We had a zone conference in Winston Salem on Thursday. Winston is
pretty far away from us so we got driven down to Greensboro to spend
the night with our zone leaders. Before we went back to their
apartment we went to another Elders apartment to pick up a mattress.
They drive a van so they shoved it through the trunk and had it lying
on top of our heads as we drove. It was so uncomfortable.

The next day was so long and tiring. We had to get up super early so
we could make it to the conference on time. The meeting went from 9-3
and was really great. The trainings went very well and I learned a
lot. After the meeting finished we went back to Greensboro where we
were picked up by a member. We had a baptismal interview to do that
night so we couldn't even go home yet. We had to drive out of the way
so we could do that at 6:00. Then we finally get back into Danville at
like 7:30 at night. We were tired and hungry.

Funny story about dinner that night. As we were pulling into town we
passed by and pulled into this one Japanese place. I commented that
I'd heard it was pretty cheap and you got a good amount of food. As
were parking the topic got onto buffets. As we park the car the man
who drove us, Brother Hales, who is amazing, looks over and was like,
I got payed today. He then floors it out of the parking lot looking
around like he's on the run from the police. We pull into Golden
Corral and have such a great time. He's a single older guy and it was
like he was 20 again. It was so fun.

The rest of the week was good. I had a fun Canada day with some
members for dinner. I wore my Canada glasses, tie pin and a red tie
that day to be patriotic. Except we did get chewed out by some ladies
on Saturday. Oh well. Church on Sunday was exceptional. We had Chris,
Christy, Hayley and Indeya all there which was great. Overall a good

Send me pictures, read your scriptures,
Love you!
Elder Galvin

Bowling with the district
Happy Canada Day!!

Driving with a mattress

Met up with Elder Anderson at Conference


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