than other weeks but overall pretty average.
So American Thanksgiving was this week which was a lot of fun. We had
two dinner appointments so we we're stuffed by the end of the day.
Thanksgiving took up a lot of our time but we were still able to get out
and do some missionary work for the evening. We decided to move our
weekly planning session from the morning to the evening so we would
have more processing time. We didn't have any appointments for the
night after six so we decide we do our weekly planning then instead.
We figured it would be more productive than doing it in the morning
and not being able to do anything at night in the dark.
We met an interesting lady on Thanksgiving morning. She ranted to us
about how England was the worst place ever. She talked all about how
they came to Africa and took all the gold, and hurt all the people,
and on and on and on. She kept on yelling at us where was Jesus for
500 years. As soon as we even tried to say something or when she asked us a
question, we could hardly get two words in before she started going off
again. It was 15 minutes of my life I'm never going to get back. To
make up for that we did meet this really nice elderly couple who
actually studied at BYU. They weren't interested in the gospel but we gave him the
Book of Mormon to replace the one they lost during their move.
We also went to a Hmong party this week. I thought we were going
into a normal dinner appointment but turns out there was like 40
people there. It was a lot of fun. No one spoke English though. There was
this one guy that we did talk to for a while who we actually had met the
week before while we were out tracting. He's a member over in Raleigh so he
talked with us for most of the evening. It was a lot of fun.
As we were getting to the car after I accidentally kicked the cat. He was
this tiny and adorable kitten that I took pictures with. We had to
hold onto it because it kept on trying to get underneath the car as we
were driving away. We didn't want to run over it.
We spent a lot of the week tracting. There was one day when we decided
to go somewhere we didn't think missionaries had ever been. We went to
this cluster of streets in the middle of nowhere. Turns out that the
cluster of Streets was a trailer park full of aggressive Baptist
people. We realized why missionaries probably had never been there! It was
all right though a lot of people were still nice and we handed out a
lot of the 'A Savior is born' cards. To try and recover from all the sadly
disgusting rundown trailers we had been knocking on we went to the super
rich neighborhood. People there were just as uninterested however it
made us feel better cause will be around houses that were nice.
We did have one really interesting experience this week. we were going to
teach one of our investigators. He's not the most virtuous of people
and neither are his friends. We walked to one of his friends sitting
on the couch, high as a kite, doing drugs right on top of the word of wisdom
pamphlet. The irony was way too strong.
Hope you have a great week.
Send me pictures, read your scriptures
Love you!
Elder Galvin
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