Tuesday 25 October 2016

Monday Oct. 3, 2016 - The One with Miracles Abounding

Okay. So this week has been great. But first the transfer news. Elder Peterson is getting transferred to be an Assistant! My new companion is Elder Rasmussen and we are going to be training! Hopefully for real this time. Elder Rasmussen was my Zone Leader back in Greensboro so I already know him. 

Miracle Story! Last Monday night we had such a crazy experience. So here's the back story. A couple of weeks ago we had to go to an eye doctor so Elder Peterson could get some contacts. We had initially set up an appointment with one place but decided to call another to see if they could get him in earlier. They could so we went the next day. While there we met this lady who took the pictures of Elder Peterson's eyes. We talked with her for a bit while we were waiting for some stuff and she knew a bunch of members of the church from a previous office she worked at. We tried to see if we could teach her and she respectfully declined. Fast forward to last Friday. We get a call from the Elders in another ward saying they have talked with this lady who wants to hear more about the gospel. She lives in our area so we decided to go and find her. It was late one night and dark out and when we got there we realized we had a building number but no apartment number. Saying to heck with annoying people we decided to knock every door until we found her. Literally the last door we knocked there was a voice from the other side asking who it was (Side note: I've gotten really good at talking to doors on my mission), after the typical response of it's the missionaries she said now is not a good time. We asked if the person we were looking for lived there and we got no response. We asked again and she said she had moved. We tried to see if we could come and teach her and she said come back Monday night. So we set up a teaching appointment with a voice behind a door. We come back on Monday and are met with the same response of who is it from behind the door. This time they open up it was the lady from the eye doctor. It turns out the person we were looking for happened to be her daughter who moved to Gastonia that weekend. She let us right in and we chatted for a while. She showed up a picture of her Mormon coworkers and we saw a ton of familiar faces. One was the wife of our wards bishop and the other was the son of a Hmong member in Albemarle I met last thanksgiving, once while tracting and another time at a party. It was crazy all the connections and circumstances that lead to that encounter. She expressed concerns for her daughter and cried a ton. She wants to be taught and we are going to bring our bishops wife to teach her. Try and tell me God didn't make all that happen. 

So here's an additional miracle. Remember the guy I told you about last week who came up to us outside a restaurant? Well he is basically the most solid person on the face of the planet. Here's the story. Well after meeting him at Cici's he called us during church the next day asking for a Book of Mormon. We called him back and got his voicemail and left him a message. Wednesday we had Zone Conference. After we got back from the meeting he calls us and says he wants to meet right now. We tell him to meet us at the church in fifteen minutes. We have possibly one of the best lessons I've ever had with him. He told us how he has been drawn to the church for a while now. He sees the good that comes out of it and wants it for his family. We gave him his Book of Mormon and he texted us the next day telling us he was done the first two books. He came to Conference this weekend and he loved it. He has reread 1 Nephi, watched videos to understand it, watched meet the Mormon's, and researched a ton of information. He texted us and said that he has almost convinced his wife to join the church. And we only taught him once! Unfortunately he lives outside our area so we had his missionaries come to the session of conference with us so we could introduce him and transition him over. 

In other news. Zone Conference was this week. It went pretty well. Our ride got us there way late so we missed our meeting beforehand. We walked into the chapel and right onto the stand. Everyone was wearing their matching ties which was great. We looked so good together. Sister Champagne from Albemarle did the food and it was so good! Dallas and Brother Doyle were there too! 

We went on an exchange this Friday to Saturday. I brought an Elder Eaton to Pineville. He is the best. Possibly one of the kindest, sincere, and genuine people ever. We had a good day. We were able to teach this really fun lesson together. We are teaching this boy named Antonio who is the son of a member. He is super excited for baptism and we taught him the plan of salvation. Well he and his sister had a bunch of their friends over so we ended up teaching a lesson to six people under the age of twelve. We drew it out on a piece of paper and they took turns reading scriptures. It was a lot of fun. They asked so many great questions about God. 

This weekend wasn't the most productive for missionary work. But it was really good regardless. We were really busy in between sessions with appointments and helping people get conference set up. We had to do a baptismal interview last night. She was such a great girl. Super outgoing.

Overall this was a good week. Things are going to be busy today with getting Elder Peterson ready and prepping for a third missionary (again). Pray nothing crazy happens this time. We're also going to this really nice mall with another set of Elders. 

Send me pictures,
Read your scriptures,
Love you!
Elder Galvin

Our Miracle Guy from the Restaurant!

At Zone Conference

An Albemarle Reunion!!  So fun!


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